Sunday, March 15, 2009

Glory Days for Ebay & Pixar Cars Gone

At one time the Disney Pixar Car business on Ebay was hot. I actually did make $1000 one weekend. That was selling cases & about 40% of those were going overseas. While there are still opportunities, those frenzy days have faded.

There does seem to be a decent market for loose cars. Basically if you pick up a box at a garage sale, or pick 'em up for .25/each at the thrift store, you can trickle in a small amount. What is nice is being loose, they will be REALLY easy & cheap to ship. On this day (3/15/09), the loose ones are selling more regular then the carded ones.

The other are that sells well but takes more patience than I can possibly imagine, is customizing the cars. People carefully remove the car from the package, give it a custom patient job (i.e. Apple car) They might actually put it back in the package & relabel it but it looks like loose ones are doing well too. So if you've got the time & the skill of an airbrush - really cheap way to make a buck.

The latest release in the stores is the Race O Rama. Cars are numbered. There are also 'chase' pieces. They actually say 'chase' so no doubt you've got one that supposedly has some extra value. The ones I've seen so far are 'impounded' Looks like they have a traffic ticket boot.

The Art of Cars

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